A huge thank you for those of you that have purchased tickets for the 2024 Australian Soaping and Candle Conference.
As the site is maintained by Nelson Soapery, we are adding information every week and the best way to stay up to date is by adding your name to the email list as each week we will send out 1-2 emails letting you know of what is happing with the conference, the prizes, guest speakers, venue details, meals and so on.
As many of you know we do have a speical guest from Canada for the 2024 Australian Soaping and Candle Conference so i am doing my best going through all the messages and emails.
I will be issuing some new offical tickets for all people that have purchased in person tickets and you will need to bring these along on the day to put into the prize box.
I do suggest bringing along a bag to take home your goodies on the day and if you wish to purchase goods on the day you can as there will be a number of companies there.
In 2024 we will have some very exciting changes due to our little conference now being noticed in 8 other countries so lets get excited for 2024.